Saturday, August 24, 2013

Just for fun

It was very hot and very windy today.

Maybe I could have but I didn't.  I believe from what I have heard from other sources that at least one member of the family and her SA got in a morning ride.

I didn't.

So just for fun, here are a couple of photos from 2011 when my brother and I went to Paris.

We stayed at one of Glenn's places.  I think this one just might have been the day we ventured over to the Tuileries for the final stage of le Tour de France and I think it is possible that it has been published before (in 2011).
This one is for those who don't believe in the power of kraut.  I am pretty sure I published the companion to this in 2011 but I don't think this one made it on to the intertubes.  The companion is the meal that Jim had, this is what I had that night.
Lots of sauerkraut, in fact, a HUGE amount of sauerkraut, two boiled potatoes, a couple of link sausages, another sausage, and a big piece of fatty pork.

Ummm, good.

But I am glad that that is NOT a regular feature of my diet.  It's great stuff in the moment but perhaps a bit unwise in the long run.


Santini said...

Boiled, not mashed, I see. Where did this abomination called mashed potatoes come from then?

Jimi said...

I remember that Germanic meal with a certain amount of relish. At least the first part of it until I got filled up with kraut.