Saturday, May 25, 2013

Very hard

I am not sure what Bing said but the sources I use said 61.  I mean 61, you gotta ride in 61, right.  The sources I use also said SSE at 20 mph gusting to 25.

Riding in the cold and wind is extremely hard.  I tried south first, the wind was flapping the sleeves on my jacket.

Yes, I wore a jacket on May 25.  I took it off after a while but not before I came upon this:
Cold and windy, very hard.

I often have a little burst of energy as I near home, the horse catching a scent of the hay in the barn syndrome.  This is less than two blocks from home, a corner where I often go right at a fairly high rate of speed.
That cone really isn't doing an adequate job.  That things about two inches deep, not really a problem for a car but I nearly soiled myself.  Actually there was a car there coming from the right and turning at the intersection.  The car left just barely room for me to get slowed down and complete my turn between the far end of the trench and the driver's side door of a green sedan.

Another reminder to be careful out there.


Retired Professor said...

That sounds like yesterday's ride here. Without the close call and the soiling thing. Just the wind and cold part.

Constant vigilance is absolutely required.

TOPWLH said...
