Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Silly season heating up

The sky was blue and beautiful when I started out and it is again now. However, for most of the time I was riding the prevailing sky condition was mostly cloudy. I rode around underneath the clouds.

I got one photo early on in the ride while I was still well inside the Roseville loop. This one is about three miles into the ride although if I took a direct route it is only about two miles.

Based on this photo I am going to make two deductions, one of which is almost certainly correct and the other of which is still a pretty sure good guess.One, Renee's neighbors are serious yard hobbyists.

Two, they appear to be Democrats.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

1 comment:

gfr said...

Amusing. DFL. Been a while since I've seen that acronym.

Political yard signs -- my usual rule of not commenting on political posts because I'm, well... you know -- seems limiting in the face of the silly season.