Monday, September 27, 2010

Horse show

There's a pretty big horse show going on over at the Fairgrounds. The parking lots are FULL of horse trailers. The schedule for the upcoming weekend is the Fall Arabian Horse Show and I am under the impression that that is a really big show. But the demeanor and casual dress of people I saw today make me wonder if today's activities are some kind of wind up for what the schedule lists for last weekend, the Western Saddle Club Horse Show. That thing was scheduled for Thursday through Sunday and it isn't unreasonable to guess that they were delayed at least one day because of the weather. I don't know enough about horses to be sure.

When they have one of those shows they put up barriers like this a couple of blocks from the show arena and the barns and judging arena.One of the signs says horse show participants only and the other says caution livestock at work. They are trying to limit the number of bicyclists casually riding through would be my guess.

On the back side of that barrier they have this sign saying no horses beyond this point.That seems fair to me. If they don't want outsiders among the horses then the horses should stay away from the outsiders too.

Today I was riding past that no horses beyond this point and discovered a horse clearly out of bounds. I am going to give the horse a pass though as horses can't read. I am not giving a pass to the person riding the horse who apparently was distracted from important horse guiding duties by the texting she was in the process of doing on her hand held device.

Yup, distracted riding.


Anonymous said...

WHAT? What is this "fencing" with shrubbery??? Clearly, it isn't working. Go get some real fence you crazy horse people.


Mrs. Smith said...

I agree. It is cruelty to shrubbery. Alienated from peers, unnatural planting context (don't know quite what to say here, but where is the dirt and the landscaping?).