Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And furthermore

Today was a wonderful day for late September and since I don't have a job I waited around for TOPWLH (who does have a job) to come home and then we rode our bicycles. The wind was stronger than what we usually get in the summer time so it was pretty hard work but it was a beautiful day and a ride well worth taking.

Here is TOPWLH at Island Lake in Shoreview.I heard a TV weather guy this morning talking about fall colors and he was saying that peak colors are already occurring in the northern reaches of the state. Not so much at Island Lake. However, the lengthening shadows do testify to the sun's position being lower in the sky, another certain sign of fall.

LOOK at Island Lake. I like those orange tires.Here's another sign of silly season. This one is only about half a block from the array I photographed yesterday, just around the corner.I didn't feel like taking this picture yesterday but today I must have been in a more Lipton's Instant Party kind of mood.

If you give every single person a vote you end up with the government you deserve. I am Gzmoohoo and that's the message I approve of.

Editorial note: Despite persistent claims to the contrary I am of the belief that there are some prepositions that you can end a sentence with.

I haven't shown the corn for a while. It isn't harvested yet but it is thoroughly dried out. I know you want it to dry before harvest but the exact dynamic is unknown to me. I worked on a farm summers while in high school and have cultivated corn but that whole harvest thing occurred after school had started again and I was never around. I know nothing.GRider, as always, for scale.

1 comment:

gfr said...

Wow. Sleeveless AND shorts? It was nice here, but not quite that nice.