Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Envy not advised today

It has ended up being a pretty nice day in its later stages but it was overcast and cool during the time I was riding. Those stuck indoors need not feel any twinges about missing out on the part of the day that I was out in.

But I was out in it for sure.

Here is Blubell, an unexpected addition to the otherwise bright yellow fleet over there.I made my fall pilgrimage to the animal pet cemetery. I had never noticed this before. It appears to be an abandoned outbuilding. There are fruit trees behind that screen of bushes and quite a bit of open space. I think there is about an acre there and yes, I know how much an acre is and yes, I am qualified to make this estimate. What makes it unusual is this is all right off Dale and 36. Near the pet cemetery obviously.This is all right around the corner from the fire station over there and in riding up and down alleys and driveways to get a good look at the real estate for sale I discovered that I have missed what looks like it might have been interesting training at the fire department.Riding on an overcast day is still better than not riding at all. I felt strong, I felt good.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

I like the old outbuilding. Lots of charcter.

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