Sunday, February 21, 2010

As recommended this evening on CNBC

More curling rock, this time of a slightly heavier metal nature, this time featuring the Swedish women's team and the Swedish power metal band, Hammerfall.

It seems worth noting that the scoreboard visible in the video shows that the Swedish women are posting 8 enders in every one of the first eight ends. That would make 64-0 with two ends remaining but Hammerfall would, of course, have the hammer.

Near the end of the video Hammerfall, playing the black (??) rocks, attempts the desperation face down final rock and draws successfully to the button to apparently avoid yet another 8 ender. Team Sweden follows with a bump out and stay to score a final 8. Team Sweden then takes over and performs as the band.

I love Sweden.

Are we having fun yet?


gfr said...

I thought all the boys were from Bemidji last time around. These all seem to be from Duluth, though the new skip's home town is Cape Coral, Fl. About 20 miles from here. I doubt that he started his curling career here, though.

T.Tousan said...

That's some really bad curling by the band. Sweeping behind the stone, for instance, seems inadvisable.

The Swedish men and women are very good curlers. I've been enjoying the action, but I am sympathetic with the American skips' problems hitting their spots. I even miss sweeping a little bit. TT

Daughter of Norway said...

So awesome! Love the juxtaposition of heavy metal and curling...unless some of you hard core curlers disagree. The band can't curl, but they sure can rock!

Unknown said...

Swedish power metal is good stuff! There's a Swedish band called The Soundtrack of Our Lives that's also worth checking out (TSOOL). Watch out for Norwegian black metal, though.