Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Adventures in Geezerland.

This morning we headed over to Punta Gorda to check on a farmers' market. The location of the market was deep inside the mall/tourist trap known as Fisherman's Village. This location is patronized by lots and lots of old people. Here's one of the ways you can tell that is true without having to visit and take a look around for yourself. There are handrails on the handrails.We had a little extra time so I quickly chartered a fishing cruise and we swung out into the Gulf. Fishing was good as I was able to hook and land this dandy speciman.I reeled him on a fly rod with 8 pound test line using a small dog for bait.

We headed back to the compound where we discovered that Charlie was visiting again and that this time he had brought the whole family. A couple of them entertained by doing that stand on one leg thing.This afternoon we achieved shorts, temperatures in the upper 60s and a little bicycling broke out.

Who would have believed that oranges grow on trees? I thought they came from Cub.Furthermore who would have thought that some people have these trees right in their backyards?


Jimi said...

That looks like a faux shark. And using dogs for bait is just wrong.

Mrs Coach said...

This was a great post. I particularly like the standing on one leg thing.
You do need an editor, however. The "though" in the last sentence needs a t.
I played poker before checking the blogs and feel guilty. I guess I need a few more rules.

Santini said...

Mrs. Coach, 'No singing at the table' is always my favorite rule.

Non-retired Professor said...

Yeah, but does it apply when you are the only one at the table?