Friday, August 17, 2007

Just exactly what is normal?

Today on my last day of vacation, life seemed to return to a bit more like the regular routine, aka normal. Rather than launch into the existential debate suggested by the title of the post I went for a bicycle ride to the eight lakes.

It clearly wasn't normal as it is Friday and the Bianchi Babe rode along. This makes three bicycle outings this week for the Babe, well over a normal quota.

It was very nice out, sunny and coolish, feeling a bit like fall, a perfect early September day. We rode into a head wind on the way to the lakes but as the Babe correctly observed, we both felt strong on the return trip.

Here is the corn. I don't think this is actually good. I don't know enough about corn to be sure but media reports are that the weather has been too dry and that the corn crop has suffered grievously. I felt those ears visible next to the Babe's right hip and they felt sort of shrunken, not bursting the husks as I have come to expect.In view of the fact that we think the corn is actually doing poorly, Babe pictured for empathy.


Anonymous said...

Assuming it is field corn, it's next stage is to dry up, I believe, before it is harvested. I rather like BB's jersey. A very nice color. SS

Normal is good, mostly.

Santini said...

I heard today that Michigan will lose about 25% of it's corn crop to the moderate drought we have been having. So I retract my earlier comments -- your corn looks to be suffering grievously. And the recent deluge is surely too late to do anything but contribute to rotting of the plants. Very sad. SS