Monday, September 12, 2016


Today we rode past a couple more really important local landmarks.

Actually the first one we rode past yesterday as well but yesterday we did not stop for a photo.  This old stone gate from long ago when all of that land was someone's big ass estate has always been referred to by me as Stonehenge.
Even more sketchy than the last time I viewed this establishment, the somewhat iconic West Olive One Stop.


Santini said...

That's a long ride -- all of the way around Pigeon Lake, along the north side of the Pigeon River, past both Pine Bend and Hemlock Crossing Park, and back along the south side of the Pigeon River. You covered some iconic territory today. Good job.

Emily M said...

Well done. Did you go into the WOOS? If it has gotten sketchier since the last time you were there, I hope not.

Gino said...

We did not go inside. We felt that the GRider was being way brave already just by standing over there next to the propane.

GRider said...

The ride was wonderful--it was a perfect day for it. WOOS looks much worse riding up to it from the side. Luckily I did not need a snack or anything!