Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Weather related post

We had this on our deck last night.
Everyone gets one guess what that produces the next day.

Isn't one guess fun?

There are probably lots of correct answers but the one I was looking for is a seemingly endless parade of men with clipboards offering to do a free estimate of roof damage.

By the way, during the time when all of this was happening?

Elemental.  There is something about high winds with pounding on your roof to make a person want to take cover.

Today I did get out though.  It was a fun ride both leaving and returning to the neighborhood as doing so gave me a really good perspective on how many guys with clipboards there were roaming around near where I live.

Here's a view of bridges taken from the opposite direction as the one published last week.
There is a large impact bridge replacement going on in town.
That bridge is the first of two replacing a really old one.  That's Highway 36, a pretty major commuter route.  I used to drive on that every day to get to the plant.

Now I have to ride my bicycle over there to find out what is going on.


Santini said...

We got two new "free" roofs out of a hail storm that went through here about 6 years ago, as did almost everyone in our neighborhoods. We're still picking roofing shingle staples out of our tires.

Santini said...

That's kind of funny. Comment moderation enabled because this post is too old for non-moderated comments.