Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Position description

I was just looking over the log remembering what an extremely cold spring it was.  And also thinking that September was about the warmest that I can remember.

I guess that's how you get to average.

All the major forecasters around here say that the current run of late summer is about to end, possibly with thunderboomers.

I long for a severe storm, nothing that would blow any trees down, mind you.  I was thinking more along the lines of something severe enough to knock out the electricity for an hour or two.  I am sooooooo ready for a loss of electrical power.

It was sunny and nice all morning but pretty much as soon as I got out there the clouds started rolling in from the west, the first soldiers of the coming invasion.  Wind came along with them, as often happens.

Strong wind.

Unpleasantly strong wind.

But the clouds eventually passed through and I was able to finish up my ride on what sure looked and felt like yet another wonderful day.
That's Lake Como from an angle I have never tried before but which I deliberately sought out today trying to catch some yellow (and still lots of green) in the trees and the blast of blues again available in the sky and in the lake water.  That's from down at the southeast end, near the complicated many way stop of Como Avenue and Como Boulevard and Maryland and Victoria and Wheelock Parkway and it seems like maybe another Como or two, the comma end when you look at the lake as a punctuation mark.

I used to say when I was still attending the plant that there are a finite number of days this nice in any one person's life.  Today I was lucky enough (AGAIN) to be able to spend a big chunk of this mostly pretty wonderful day outdoors in it.

I love my job.


Mrs Smith said...

Today I am not thinking about retirement because I was able to leave "the plant" early afternoon and walk around Lake Como and to the zoo. AND, go home and water the new grass. Yes, it was another wonderful day.

Santini said...

That first power outage after we got our generator was quite satisfying -- even fun. It didn't hurt that it occurred very shortly after OSLO had said that we didn't need a generator because we "never" got power outages.