Monday, July 3, 2017

Important traffic update

I wanted a couple more miles today than yesterday and with a southerly wind I figured on a tour de Fairgrounds and a check on conditions at Deadman's Curve.

The news is unbelievably good.  One of the major blockages that has made it very difficult to leave our neighborhood has been removed.  The paving project at Deadman's Curve has been completed.
And really good bicycle riding news there too.  Notice that they have extended the bike lane through the underpass on both sides.

And take a really close look.

The path has been curb protected.  They have moved it up off the street and put concrete curbs between the bicycles and the cars.

One of THE most dangerous spots for bicyclists has had bicycle safety radically improved.

I am a little worried about driving through there in my car, though.  The pattern for cars has always been to take the shortest route through, meaning that from both sides cars almost always cross the center line.  In the past they could do that as there was extra pavement on each side where cars could go when it was necessary to avoid a head on collision.  That's what made that spot so dangerous for bicycles.  That extra car space was the space where bicycles were and as all bicyclists know, bicyclists just cannot rely on the cars not taking your space.

That extra car space is now gone, gone up over the curb and firmly assigned to bicycles.

We shall see how the cars react.

The road is not quite clear yet, as there is still this down at Como.
FirstLOOK for scale.

You can now get through DMC but you still have to take a little detour if you want to get to our house.  It's OK, it is an easy detour and one easily navigated by anyone with basic knowledge of the neighborhood.

I wanted to check on the Lao Fourth of July celebration but it is already over and the crowds have moved on.  The rent-a-fence is still present as a reminder.
I got the extra miles I wanted.

Who knows, fitness may still be possible.


Barbara said...

Excellent news (and photo for proof)!

Emily M said...

That is really excellent bicycling news.