Monday, March 7, 2016

Opening day

It was a grey and pretty windy day but the high temperature reached the average high for April 7.  I was caught a little unprepared but it only took a short time to round up all of the necessary gear and remember how to put it all on.

At first I was JRA relatively close to home to make sure but eventually I went somewhere.

This is the east gate of the Fairgrounds from inside.  I was attempting to portray the conditions of the day, very grey skies, strong wind mostly from the south and only a few stubborn piles of snow still littering the landscape.
I had a nice tour of the Fairgrounds and eventually found my way to the Cattle Barn.
Balmy, particularly for March 7.

I have been walking every day but was a little put out to learn again that walking fitness does translate very well to bicycle fitness.  Different muscles.  But I got enough miles in to be worthwhile, enough miles on the bicycle that I do not now have to also take a walk.

The season is officially underway.  Updating my bicycle log I noticed that the season is underway 8 days earlier than last year.


Santini said...

Good job. Worthy of note.

TOPWLH said...

Way to go. I like the picture of the fair entrance with the blues and greens. Maybe this means it will be really nice on the actual April 7th. Hope so.

Santini said...

"Enough miles on the bicycle that I do not now have to also take a walk." Early spring standard. It actually works all through the bicycling season.