Monday, February 18, 2013

Bicycling reminder

I was out for a walk today.  Shortly after finishing block 17 of 24 I met another walker, a person unfamiliar to me.  She had a large black dog on a leash which meant mostly I was keeping an eye on the dog and not really interacting with the other human being.

She was Minnesota Nice though and offered a cheery "Hello" distracting me from the dog. "Hello", I responded.

"Not riding your bike today?", she continued.

I was within a half mile or so of home. I have taken about 1,500 bicycle rides over the past several years each ride beginning in my garage so it is no surprise that my neighbors have noticed. I didn't know her, she knew me.

It was a reminder that this is a bicycle blog.
My most recent bicycling activity was preliminary work on BikeLog13, the Quattro file I maintain for recording ride mileage and comments. Mostly the preliminary work is to save a copy of BikeLog12 as BikeLog13, then update the desktop shortcut, make sure the cumulative totals are correct for going forward, change all of the 2012s to 2013s, stuff like that. I noticed in BikeLog12 that last year's first ride was made on March 11, the second consecutive day of last March when the high temperature for the day was 66F. Both of those readings were record highs for those dates but still . . .

That's only three weeks away.


Retired Professor said...

Bike day on Tram 2. I believe someone commented that I'd overmatched. I believe they were right.

Gino said...

Today while walking I was wearing those same sunglasses.

Retired Professor said...

The Independent Fabrication days were before the Ram Air Surge Ports, apparently.