Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nice day for a ride

Today was a very nice day for an early spring bicycle ride. The sun emerged this afternoon and the temperatures eventually rose to 50. The breeze was light and completely non-punitive, the wind felt warm, definitely missing anything like a bite. Bicycling on a day like today would be a pleasure.

Were it not for the condition of the streets.I walked instead and every street within a mile and a half of my house featured stretches like this one with no way to ride without riding through standing water.

Because I like riding my bicycle and dislike having to clean and dry all of the metal surfaces after riding I find that conditions are still not bicycle ready.

On the other hand, 50!

It won't take many days like this, days of 50 and sunny. The season approaches.


Retired Professor said...

There are still ice patches on that street -- 50 degree temperatures should get rid of them fairly quickly. Good luck.

Unknown said...