Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Changing day

I read in the newspaper on Sunday that the plant where I used to work is going to have 120 retirements today. The employer has offered an incentive and it is sufficiently attractive that many are accepting the offer. The way the particular branch of the factory where I worked decided to structure the incentive you had no choice of retirement date, you could only retire TODAY.

Armed with this information I went to work yesterday. It was the next to last day when I could possibly find anything at all remotely resembling the place I used to work and it was a last chance to speak to 11 friends just before they became eligible to wear one of these.So congratulations to Memos, Paul, Phil, Dave, Rick, Jerry, John, Larry, Paul, Jean, and Bruce (and John and Lowell).

Welcome to the light side.

1 comment:

jilrubia said...

It's great you went to see them. Marz told me about it all last week. Lotta valuable stuff in those brain cells walking out the door. Guess that is how you earn the spiffy jacket. Happy Pagan Ritual Holiday Fest!!