Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lands and Minerals holiday

I do not for a single minute of any day miss showing up at 500 Lafayette every day but even so I showed up there today.And it was very nice to see all my friends there, it was swell to get another opportunity to banter about this and that and nothing at all. I had a fabulous time.


Anonymous said...

Oh thank goodness the photo of the soup and sandwich is gone. It's a Christmas miracle! Or shall I say Pagan Ritual Holiday Fest miracle. Glad to hear you had a good time. It's probably cool to just show up for the fun stuff and know that no one is going to come up and ask a question that must be solved, like, right now. Hope the chairs are adapting well.


Unknown said...

We were all happy to see you, including the chairs. It was a fun day.

Unknown said...

Love the tree it's so bright.Very festive.Merry christmas to the family!!!