Sunday, March 22, 2009

First iteration for this year of the Auckland rule

Windy. Really windy.

The women's national championship game in Division 1 hockey was played today. Our favorite team did not participate. Our least favorite team thrashed Mercyhurst 5-0. Color us disappointed.

In other hockey news, yesterday at the Herb Brooks Arena in Lake Placid, New York, Neumann College captured the men's Division III championship by downing Gustavus Adolphus 4-1.

This photo seems to me to pretty clearly illustrate that hockey is over in Minnesota.That's Langford Park, home annually of some of the best outdoor ice in town, currently home to some snow but home to no ice whatsoever.

Today's wind was ESE. I rode mostly south and ended up farther to the south than I had previously been this year. My turn around came near the Town and Country Club in Saint Paul. The wind was getting stronger as I rode and by this point in the ride it was so powerful that I wanted to get home without having to ride eastward back up Como along my usual route back from that area of town. Instead I went over the top of the hill in Saint Anthony Park and dropped down past Bob's house (brand new screen porch on the front) to trace a route through the farm campus on the way home.It was too windy to ride but I did anyway. With the miles accumulated today I smashed through the all time record for miles ridden in the month of February. This accomplishment is somewhat diminished, obviously, by the unfortunate fact that this is March.


Santini said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, I missed the cows. Yay.