Saturday, May 2, 2020

Hooray, hooray

The second of May, close enough.

Here's something you couldn't do last week.
I have not golfed for at least several years but I see that one thing has not changed.  You occasionally have to wait on the tee for the group ahead to clear out before you can play.

They had a nice day for it but truthfully that group is about to tee off with a hellacious cross wind, left to right.  As may be evident from the photo I am heading on a slight uphill, left to right.  I felt pretty strong.

The big event of the day was earlier.  We had not seen her since March 15 but this girl came out to play in her back yard and we got to be present.
Just there she is showing off her new bubble maker.

With an eye to the changing colors of the flowering shrubs she also showed off this beauty in her side yard.
She is kind, funny, smart and strong.  And adorable.

It was a pretty good ride but way too windy.


Emily M said...

We were all so very happy to see you. But her most of all. She kept talking about it all day. Yay!

TOPWLH said...

She did?! Oh, good. So did we. I agree with GZ: She is kind, funny, smart and strong. And adorable.

Very nice post, GZ. I was amazed you set out today with the strong winds.

Retired Professor said...

I like her shirt, pretty cute. I think the Bush is a rhododendron, blooming much earlier than ours. It looks like everyone had fun.

No golf carts. Same here, makes sense. Riding in the wind is hard, but inevitable, really.

Anonymous said...