Friday, May 22, 2020


According to a post on a popular social media platform a bicycle tour of scenic highlights of south Minneapolis was completed early today by TCWUTH.  It looks like a really nice ride and thus inspired I myself set out.

It was grey and gloomy and occasionally felt like rain but it did not rain.  On the other hand the sun never came out either.

I ventured a bit farther south than has been my pattern so far this spring, even making an appearance at Dead Man's Curve.

I was parked on the side of the street trying to line up a shot of the double underpass with an "S" curve which did not include any automobiles.

Just then the BNSF provided a picture element.
And the cheap pocket camera managed to keep everything in focus.

For those interested in such things that train is running on what was the Northern Pacific freight main line.

You go under that bridge and two blocks to the top of the hill visible behind and you come to an overpass over what was the Great Northern freight main line.

It's been a couple of weeks since my last post.  There is a story which I suppose I will eventually have to tell.  For now, even with the overcast, today ended up being a very nice day for a couple of bicycle rides.


TOPWLH said...

I love this post! Two of my loved ones had nice bike rides and took pictures. Your bicycling made me happy and inspired me to go out into the gloom for a long walk which also cheered me up.

Emily M said...

Excellent timing from the train. I'm glad I inspired you and a good time was had by all.

Retired Professor said...

Burlington Northern Santa Fe? I love a train story.