Sunday, September 15, 2019

LOOK at our bench

Today just barely missed the OOTNDITHODs category.  The temperature peaked into the 80s and although that is a really pleasant interlude in mid-September I now reserve OOTNDITHOD designation for days topping out in the 70s.

But it was really, really nice.  I rode my bicycle.

The Fair has been over for nearly two weeks.  The post-Fair clearout has advanced far enough that the grounds are now almost completely reopened to the public.  There was one gate closed that did cause me a little concern but I got in and out without big problems as did lots of my fellow citizens.

Clean up is proceeding but they have not yet reached the stage of returning the benches to winter storage locations.

LOOK at our bench.
And as long as I am here here are the other photos that I especially like from this year's exposition.

My two favorite girls with Babe, Paul in the background.
I missed them while they were on the slide but here they are just after finishing the slide.
Again, mommy.

That corn dog place across the street provided the best corn dog I have ever had.

Bench, bench,

and only bench.
Completing my personal collection of photographs of me with the state university football team's big trophies.
That's the axe, I already have the jug and Floyd.

BD and friend.
On our way home.
A new tradition which we just became aware of this year.
A nearby vendor informed us that the roof had already been cleared four times.  The new tradition is for young women to discard items of underwear on this rooftop underneath the sky glider.


BDE said...

So glad to see GZ back blogging and I LOVE this post! Great title and really fun pictures. This very nicely depicts the wonderful times we all had at the fair this year.

Emily M said...

Yay! I love all the Fair photos. Norah is well on her way to loving it as much as we do.

I showed her the LOOK photo and she said "Who's bike is at our bench?"

Retired Professor said...

Blogging? Who even remembers how? Really good to see the LOOK at the Bench, though. Progress is implied.

Nice bunch of photos, I enjoyed the girls with Babe and Paul, though I don't recognize the bird. The Axe photo is also cool.

Enjoy the late burst of summer -- pretty sure it won't last.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the great pictures and the new blog entry p&m

jilrubia said...

So glad to see you and your bench! Tried looking for it, but it was covered by too many humans. Missed your posts! Congratulations on the bench award, what a great way to celebrate the milestone.