Friday, December 1, 2017

It's hard to look right at you baby

December 1.

After committing to posting something every day for a month the drop off to not posting at all is a steep drop.

Last year on December 1 I posted Judas Priest from 1983.  I love that performance.

So this year I have also had a draft post of a music video ready to post.  Somewhat sheepishly I report that the music video I have had in draft form for the last three weeks is a little less metal.  This year I have a girl singer who is apparently a one-hit wonder.

But I like the version of her one hit performed with a back up band of Jimmy Fallon and The Roots.

Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but here's my number.

I just like it.

1 comment:

Emily M said...

It's a great, catchy song. My all time favorite Fallon music bit is of course Star Wars.