Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Happy Holidays

In a conversation we recently had with TCWUTH she revealed that she is probably soon going to acquire a new telephone and that when she does she may depart from our family phone plan and start paying for her phone herself.

TOPWLH said that really wasn't necessary but TCWUTH played her "after all, I am a grown-up" card.

Undeniably true.

Another facet of her being a grown up now is that she isn't here today to arrange the nativity scene.  This has been one of her holiday tasks for many years.

This arrangement may be the first time ever for me.
In the second or third row left, right behind the M&M and in front of and in between Goofy and the Big O is the newest addition, the soldier we acquired at the gift shop at Westminster Cathedral when we were in England last June.

Some fan favorites didn't make the cut this year.  I downsized.  Notably absent are Superman and the Pink Power Ranger and that giant crowd of aliens.  Also possibly notable is the fact that it was 17F here today.

Happy Holidays.


Santini said...

You had a good run if she hadn't played that card until now. You can always put Norah on your plan when she's older --

I very much like the soldier -- that day was about 80 degrees warmer than where you are today. Both extremes are pretty ugly.

Nice job with the nativity scene.

TOPWLH said...

It's wonderful and still pretty darn inclusive.

Emily M said...

Well done. I enjoy that the French & English soldier are peacefully co-existing. I expected some sort of duel.

Norah is going to like it, I think.

Gino said...

The former scene arranger displays a good eye for detail by identifying the two armored guards. I suggest detente.