Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas bush

O Christmas bush, O Christmas bush
How lovely are . . .

Or something like that.

We had a swell holiday.  Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped us get into the spirit of the season.
Those early preparations of the bush paid off when a couple of our favorites showed up in matching outfits.
Merry Christmas to all.


Santini said...

The Christmas bush is nice, and updating electrical appliances once in a while is prudent. The three generations photo is nice. I was hoping for a "nativity" scene photo, but maybe three babes were enough.

Grandma B said...

Santini, no nativity scene this year and I delivered the cherries by myself (much to the disappointment of the neighbors on the north side who usually get to talk to Emily!).

Sometimes traditions need to change to accommodate a new babe (there were actually only 2 babes in that photo!)and we are all okay with that. Of course, that does not mean the nativity scene will not return some day . . .