Thursday, April 25, 2013

Last day of winter

The last day of winter should be a good thing and probably is.  Satisfaction is blunted here this April however, by the fact that there hasn't been any spring and apparently there isn't going to be one.  Lots of us like spring.

Temperatures today are again around 15 degrees below average with temperatures predicted for tomorrow of about 12 degrees ABOVE average.  Yup, straight from the 40s to the 70s missing a few floors on the elevator.

So, here is the last look at what we have left in the front yard.
 That's what a north facing yard gets you.  Note the across the street south facing yard where winter has already passed away.

The early season bicycling pattern is to try to increase the distance a tiny bit each day.  Sometimes this goes fairly well, sometimes even the slightest increase is excruciating.  Today it went OK.  The major surprise was that lots and lots of streets have already been swept.  The usual spring sweeper watch will therefore apparently not be conducted this year.  Which is appropriate, because as I pointed out above, there really wasn't any spring anyway.  And there now isn't going to be one.


Retired Professor said...

Without a sweeper watch, there is only the spring flowering shrub watch to look forward to. And wildlife, I suppose.

TOPWLH said...

No snow in the back yard this morning! And the sun is out. And there is the spring flowering shrub watch.