Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Full on summer

And if July 15 isn't summer I don't think anyone here at this latitude (45 degrees North for those who might not have known) would have anything else to call it.

Full on summer means growing season is at its peak including in our local rain garden/rain water run off collection facilities.  Here is a look at one I have featured a few times in the past.  This spot has featured cardinal flowers several times in the past although that generally occurs slightly later on in the season.
In my view, orange flowers are always good.

This one may be appearing in a couple of spots today on the interwebs.  TOPWLH was out walking today and she was walking quite near the location of this rose.
Most of the folks at the skateboard park which currently occupies the infield space of this winter refrigerated skating rink were not practicing appropriate masking.

On the other hand they are young and they are skaters which is a better excuse than middle aged and determined to "live free".


Retired Professor said...

I went looking for cardinal flowers along 160th on the way to the river, but it must be too early for them. Early August maybe.

Nice rose.

TOPWLH said...

That rose will be appearing on FB soon. I have been busy since my walk . . .
Nice to see you while I was out walking. Great minds think alike, I guess.