Monday, February 6, 2012

Football news

Fox had a fabulous Premier League game on Super Sunday morning, with Manchester United coming from 0-3 down at Chelsea to gain a 3-3 draw.

In France FC Nantes has had another road victory and if they can put together a couple more good results could actually move back into contention for promotion. The game scheduled for Monday has been postponed due to the fairly unusual and quite unexpected appearance of winter.Go figure, more winter in Nantes than in Roseville.

I have been receiving reports of winter time riding but have not actually yet made the commitment myself. Today, though, it was in the 40s and my walk took my on a tour of streets which are almost completely dry. Some cooler air is predicted for tomorrow but later in the week we could see more of what we had today. I am going to pump some tires and the possibility of miles in February is suddenly very real.


Santini said...

February miles would be cool.

Emily M said...

I agree with Santini - February miles are definitely cool.