Sunday, July 19, 2020

Too hot, too hot, too windy

Those are the conditions for the last three days.

Yesterday featured a heat advisory that didn't end until 10pm, well after sunset.  I heed a heat advisory because I realize that I have reached the point in my life where I am a member of exactly the group that they are intending to advise.

We had thunder and lightning overnight and as is usual, that produced a break in the temperature and a reduction in the humidity.

It was still warm today but conditions were sufficiently improved that bicycling seemed doable.

Except for the wind.

Auckland rule.

It was a strong west wind and I have a couple of places I go when that is the wind condition.  Downhill into the wind, uphill with a strong tail wind.  I got enough time in doing that to piece together a ride that was fine until I had to finish into the wind at the very end of the ride when I was hot and tired.  I got into Central Park to photo the rose sculpture located in our main park.
On the hill overlooking the band shell with the lake in the background.

There is a nice little playground there, some equipment of a sort not previously explored by our little group.  We may be visiting there again soon.
I follow a women's hockey discussion board.  It is usually just fans ribbing each other about such weighty matters as how much better our team is than your team.

But these are unusual times, the end of the season this spring was among the college sports that had their championships cancelled when the games were stopped by the virus.  So now we have hockey fans talking about the virus.

It is mostly hockey fans but there are a couple of people who strike me as clear thinkers and good writers.  Here is what one of them had to say in response to a hockey fan who declared that he wouldn't wear any face covering as such a thing was a violation of his rights.  It seems to me to be a really good and clear statement of the social contract.

"I don't think that I am positive for Covid-19, but I don't know that for a certainty at any moment. So I choose to wear a mask in situations where I'm not socially distanced, in the hope that it will help protect others. I'm not presuming that I'm "guilty," just that I'm not 100 percent confident that I'm "innocent" when it comes to carrying Covid-19. I believe that is my responsibility as a member of our society. You are free to decide that your rights far outweigh any such responsibilities."


TOPWLH said...

That rose is a bit garish, but great background. And I also think Norah would like that playground equipment.

Retired Professor said...

Most colorful rose yet -- I like it, it's cheery. Also a nicely composed photo.

You're right about the heat advisory -- it's aimed at us. Around here there are also wind advisories, mostly for lakes. The Auckland Rule is getting harder for me implement.

Emily M said...

I am really enjoying the rose photos.

And I agree with TOPWLH - that playground looks like fun for Norah. :)