Thursday, December 26, 2019

Boxing Day

We now almost always have bananas, blueberries and raspberries on hand.  None of these keep extremely well so the most common item on our grocery list is "bananas, b's, and r's."

For raspberries I have come to prefer Driscoll's, they seem to keep the best.

There are several brands of blueberries that seem OK but perhaps because of the raspberry preference we often end up with Driscoll's for them too.

So here is the current batch of blueberries.
As you can see they are a product of Mexico and this particular box is of a limited edition, sweetest batch.

Well, I don't know much about blueberry farming in Mexico at this time of year but I do know that if I was in West Michigan in August that these would be "Blue Crop".
While searching my files for the above photo I came across this beach view 
Happy Boxing Day.


Retired Professor said...

I like Driscoll's too, and a few of them have been sweet enough to rival blue crop. I add blackberries to the mix pretty often. It's another windy day in Holland. I told our neighbors not to pass on news of the beach unless we lose the deck. So far I haven't heard from them.

TOPWLH said...

Well, I certainly hope you do NOT hear from them!