Saturday, February 20, 2016

Overtime winner

Much closer game today, it went to overtime.

54 seconds remaining in overtime.
Now, THAT's exciting.  Well worth the price of admission.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Over rated

We attended a hockey game this evening and it was fun.

Actually it was exhilarating.

We are fans of women's hockey.  Minnesota, our favorite team, has been better than Wisconsin for the past several years after a spell when Wisconsin absolutely dominated.  It is more fun when our favorite team wins most of the time.  Earlier this season the teams met for two games in Madison and Wisconsin won both.  The result has been that for the entire season to this point the national polls have rated Wisconsin above Minnesota.

Tonight was the first meeting of two in Minneapolis and Minnesota won 4-0.

The band got to chant something at an opponent which is very unusual for the band at a Gopher women's hockey game.


See, you cannot chant that at your opponent if you are more highly ranked than they are and the Gophers have been pretty much number 1 for most of the previous three seasons.

But we have been fans for a while.  Sometimes Wisconsin is more highly ranked, sometimes it is Minnesota.  Mostly of late it has been Minnesota.

So with Wisconsin more highly ranked the pep band got to indulge in a bit of fun.


So here are some favorite hockey photos:

Emily West scores on a penalty shot to give Minnesota a 3-2 lead in the 2012 national championship game in Duluth.
Wisconsin was the opponent.  Minnesota won the game 4-2.  Of special interest to us is that we happened to be sitting next to Emily West's mother when this event occurred.

Well worth the price of admission.

The following season I had the opportunity to pose next to the 2012 national championship trophy.
But here is the FT next to the most famous trophy in hockey, taken during our 2015 trip to the Hockey Hall of Fame.
I was there too.
Gophers and Badgers again tomorrow afternoon.

They are going to have to go some to make tomorrow's event as exciting as the game tonight.

Go Gophers!

Note to Wireless:  published post number 1,867.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ground Hog's Day snow

The day after Ground Hog's Day has been a day of slow but sure snow removal.  We got about a foot here.

One outlet reported this to be the most storm in a single event since 1992.  We went from nearly bare ground and warm weather starting to feel like spring right back into the middle of winter.
The new camera is amazing.  It let me select an outdoor focus spot and then fired the flash to illuminate the indoors.  The lighting of the indoors and the use a polarizing filter to tone down the bright light on the white snow outdoors produced the effect I was hoping for, an effect I have found difficult to create in the past.

The new camera offered me all of the possibilities and then carried our my selections perfectly.