Saturday, February 22, 2014

Worst winter ever.

The most recent event produced about 10 inches of snow which apparently is the largest single snow fall of the season.

The morning newspaper reports a current snow depth of 24 inches.  This is the greatest depth of snow actually on the ground since January 26, 1982.  I think Reagan was president.

The view out through our patio door pretty much confirms what the newspaper is reporting.
Then of course there is the cold.  Highs for today and tomorrow are predicted in the mid-teens, only about 15 degrees below average for these dates.  For at least three days thereafter the highs are predicted to be only in the single digits.

Daylight savings time kicks off in just 15 days and as everyone knows the bicycle season arrives with DST.  But maybe not this year.

Worst winter ever.


Santini said...

It just won't quit. My condolences.

Jimi said...

Worst winter ever.

OSLO said...

That is what they are saying here in Michigan too. For the first time in 13 years of having my house, I actually have leak damage in my garage and have someone coming to get rid of the 3 different ice dams on my garage and porch. Hating this winter. Needs to leave. We miss the green!


TOPWLH said...

I forgot to weigh in: Worst winter ever.