Thursday, September 19, 2013


Not going to miss out this year.
Aye, matey, International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Rainy early, heavy humidity.

Today's bicycle content is it was a good day to mount a set of new tires.  I got over 2,100 miles on the last set.  I had not yet had a wear flat but at that level of mileage it is a bit of the old roulette, today was a good day to make the change.

Other than that, arrrr, it's the pirate life for me.


TOPWLH said...

I wish there was a video of the POTUS Obama speaking like a pirate. Next year I will be prepared.

Santini said...

Shiver me timbers. I saw the post on your dafter's FB, but didn't act on it.

New tires are good. Spreadsheets that tell you how many miles you have on your bicycle parts are, too.