I started one. Actually for the first bit over an hour it was plenty OK. The wind was a bit gusty but not overly punitive and it seemed to blow a hole in the overcast. There was enough blue to make pants for an entire regiment of Dutchmen. Every time the sun emerged into one of those clear spots it felt pretty darn nice.
I was pretty close to 4.5 miles from home when I rode past the spot where I spotted Ronald McD the other day. I was riding slowly because there was a sudden plethora of law enforcement vehicles (AKA lots of cop cars) going up and down the same streets I was using. I slowed down to try to see if anything interesting was going to happen.
Partly because of my slow speed I got a good look at the house Ronald had been parked in front of. I wasn't expecting to see gas for sale for 17.8 cents a gallon.
I know this house is about 4.5 miles from home because I was enjoying being given a guided tour of his stuff when I realized that it had commenced sprinkling. As I have expressed on other occasions, I am highly motivated by rain. I excused myself and hammered for home. It was a full on light rain by the time I got home, the most I have been rained on while riding for several years. But I got home before the truly heavy stuff set in. I ride on mostly tree lined streets and it was still dry under the trees as I approached home. It is a bit of an adventure out there right now, sirens are sounding.
It wasn't too bad, I might even go with it was a good ride. I can say with certainty that I can still sprint full out for 4.5 miles. For that period of time I had the gusty winds behind me. I felt strong, I felt fast.
And gas was cheap. Perhaps I was time traveling.
Good story, good story telling.
Your bicycle can take to unexpected places ...
That would be "take you to unexpected places."
While you were riding?
Holy moly! I called Mr Moohoo around this time wondering if I should go into the basement of the old house where my office is. Sirens, black clouds. A little scary.
Excellent time-traveling post.
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