The Guest Rider had a non sanctioned bicycling event during the week which involved 20 miles (10 out and 10 back) on a rental bicycle on the Cannon River Trail. Her usual ride leader decided that if that's the way she is going to be, and if she is fit enough for that, then today was a good opportunity to take in the 8 (or 9 or sometimes 10) lake tour.
It was apparently also a really nice day for fishing. This is the largest crowd I have ever seen fishing at Vadnais and that includes weekends and the fishing opener. There was hardly a space to park along the shoreline.
Just to close the book on yesterday's experience, I have been able to determine that the call came from a "multiple streams of wealth" telemarketing scammer. I am not surprised by that at all.
How did they reach me? Well, computers can only do ones and zeros but they can do ones and zeros millions of times per second. It is only software but the software that links my cell phone number to my blog identity serves as a reminder to me and should serve as a reminder to any who read this to watch out, they are out there and they mean to get me and they mean to get you.
I think it is very interesting that "neuf" is the old word for "new". Old word for new. Old word for new.
I guess I forgot to mention that Pont Neuf (the New Bridge) is the oldest bridge in Paris.
google translate says: pont neuf is new bridge; neuf pont is bridge nine. French is an odd language.
Well, that clears that up. Sort of.
I am quite pleased about BDE's bicycling fitness level.
I am quite pleased about the Retired Professor's overall fitness level!
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