Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Crossing Larpenteur

I was reading through some old blog posts and became aware that bench locating time has arrived.  There have been at least a couple of pretty big events already this summer on the grounds and when they start having big events they start bringing out the furniture.

So that's the west side of Baldwin Park, the east side of Cooper Street, between Randall Avenue and Wright Avenue.

It looked to me like not all of the benches are out yet but ours is.  It is about a third of the way down the block from the north end of the block, the sixth steel bench but there is also one wooden bench out there now so seventh in from the north end.  This could all change, of course, but that's where the bench is right now.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

A couple of my favorite plants

 I paused as I was heading out today to capture an image which included a couple of my favorite plants.

The foreground is our dwarf lilac.  It has reached maturity, at about 4 and a half feet that's as big as it will get.  It has also blossomed spectacularly and is providing the wonderful lilac odor.

Just around the corner of the house is the big new tree, not really new anymore but definitely starting to justify its name by becoming big.

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood.