Thursday, October 8, 2020

Fall again

The weather forecast is for 80 yet again tomorrow but today was a pretty normal October day.  The sun came out and the wind died down and the mercury rose to somewhere pretty near to average for this date.

I read in the newspaper that "peak" for fall colors here has been quite consistent over the past few years, generally occurring between October 14 and 19.  That means that the peak is near and if I don't want to miss out on it I need to start featuring photos of colorful trees.

That's Chelsea Street looking north from Hoyt Avenue.

On my last ride my mid-ride sitdown featured a search for shade.  With normal temperatures having returned, today I was looking for a spot in the sun.

That is a not very urban looking spot, I don't think, featuring a birch clump and a nice patch of a long stemmed decorative grass.  I have heard that birches do not do well in urban areas, they don't thrive in areas with air pollution.

Personally I think birches should suck it up and thrive.  If I have to breathe this air then they should get used to it too.

Regarding the news from Michigan is it possibly true that nearly every one of the individuals arrested could be described as a "West Michigan man"?


TOPWLH said...

Very informative, interesting post. Now I have to find out what the heck happened in Michigan today . . .

Retired Professor said...

Michigan man is a real thing, as is Florida man. Crazy stuff.

Nice color, it goes fast. It’s only at peak for a week, though I prefer the late fall colors.

Your warm temperatures don’t seem to make it across the lake. And it’s been windy here pretty much every day.

Suck it up and adapt is old person advice. But apt.