Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hooray, hooray!

But I forgot my camera.

I saw a really pretty fully budded out tree, a couple of flowering shrubs and a parking lot at the Fairgrounds that still has a fair amount of snow.

I rode a couple of days ago and got this picture of the last bit of snow in our yard.
Even that bit has now vanished.

So it must be May.  Let the outdoor activities resume.


TOPWLH said...

Too bad you forgot your camera as what you described sounds more beautiful than this bit of remaining snow! Yay, the first of May.

Santini said...

Ah, the traditional Hoorays!

Emily M said...

Most excellent - there was still a bit lingering in our alley on the 1st, in the shadow of that apartment building. I'm sure it's long gone by now.