Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Too . . . thick . . . to . . . breathe

All signs pointed to hot and humid for today.  I got started a bit earlier than I usually do, hoping to avoid what promised to be intolerable conditions by late afternoon.

It was definitely 80s, not quite 90, but definitely 80s and humid indeed.  It was the kind of day when some who is, as I am, somewhat past their best if used by date and who now experiences loss of tissue flexibility in my respiratory system which has led to reduced efficiency in processing what I breath into the oxygen I need.  There should have been a health advisory, perhaps there was.  The air was without doubt too . . thick . . to . . breathe.

I eventually got too far from home.
The ride home was hot and hard but as usual, making it home was rewarding.  Once again there was no need to call for a ride.

No ride tomorrow, the baby need sitting.


Santini said...

You must be younger than I am -- this weather coops me up inside air
conditioned buildings. It's worse than the dead of winter for outside activities for me.

Quite glad you survived.

Santini said...

Is that loss of tissue flexibility a real thing? Or did you make it up?

Gino said...

Well, is your skin as flexible now as your 20 year old skin? How about those knees? Have you tried any gymnastics lately? Lungs should be the same, right?

I do hold a terminal degree but it is NOT in medicine so I am not positive that loss of tissue flexibility is the cause but the loss of breathing capacity is without doubt real. I reach the conclusion that loss of tissue flexibility is at least related based on a preponderance of the available evidence.

I DO have a terminal degree in that last bit.

Santini said...

I googled up that loss of tissue flexibility in lungs with aging thing, and I do NOT recommend that you do that. Quite a depressing list of stuff that loses its functionality over time, in a variety of ways.

Gino said...

GOINFS is a shorthand way of saying that I am completely aware that a lot of stuff is losing its functionality over time. To me it isn't so much depressing as it is dreadfully inevitable.

But I am going to take your word for it and will not be doing the google search that you recommend against.