Friday, November 20, 2009

Didn't expect to see north Minneapolis again

After morning gloom and mist the sun for some unknown reason reasserted the dominance that the sun is always capable of. It was 51 shortly after noon, 14 degrees above the daily average high temperature. Every one of these rides is a ride that was not planned for back when a temperature of 14 degrees above the daily average high temperature would have triggered one of those old people and people with respiratory problems should stay inside alerts. It was, yet again, a spectacularly nice day out there particularly when one considers the calendar.

Noon+1:30 EG51 CBNR WG62. The message board on the cattle barn which includes the time and temperature display has been shut down, no report.

Here's some things I saw. These people in Falcon Heights have a couple of really nice Adirondack chairs but it seems to me that they are being aggressively optimistic about November to still have them out in the front yard.I do note that their neighbors in the second house down have a not quite as nice set of Adirondack chairs and share the aggressive optimism.

I didn't expect to get back over here again this year but wind conditions took me into Minneapolis where I rode to the end of the West River Road. I discovered one of the main reasons the street ends where it does, a discovery not possible during the foliage season when all of this is invisible from this side of the tracks.I still don't know exactly what they are doing over there but even without knowing I can deduce that it isn't conducive to a through street.

Where have all the hippies gone? There used to be lots of hippies in Minneapolis, even as late as 1991.This strikes me as another one of those it was cool when it happened and the sign was probably considered appropriate kind of signs, like that 1990 Earth Day sign on Nicollet Island. Eighteen and a half years later? Not so much. Where HAVE all those hippies gone? The trees seem to be flourishing.

Fox Soccer Channel is now referring to the Paris hand ball as the "Henry DOUBLE hand ball." Henry himself admits that the ball touched his hand but that his responsibility is to play on, that he is "not the ref". I saw a referee interviewed today who took the position that the referee's job would be much easier if players didn't cheat. And yes, he used the word cheat.

Today's mileage milestone is over 400 miles for the month of November. The season isn't over until it snows, a possibility now being bandied about for as early as Tuesday. No ride tomorrow, early hockey.


gfr said...

Sun? There's still a sun out there? Have you seen the photos on my blog? There is no sun!

I love the outdoor furniture on November 20th.

The CB display is down? Not good.

I don't know what's going on behind those trees either, but it looks suspicious. One more reason I like riding in the fall. I can see stuff once the foliage is gone that I had forgotten was even there.

The season is over when it snows? I refer you to your post of October 12, 'Once is an Oddity.'

santini said...

400 miles in November is impressive! As Herb said when I emailed him with the 3,501 mile news, "You're a biking machine."

Unknown said...

The answer to the question about what happened to hippies is the Minneapolis Police Department.