Tuesday, September 1, 2020


I entered today's miles in the bike log and when I did I noticed that this is the first time this year that I have ridden on the first of the month.  What this means is that I am on pace for my most miles in a month of any month this year.

Only time will tell.

I was headed south when I spotted this sign.

I almost passed it by but after half a block or so I decided that it might be a metaphor for something so I circled back for a photo.

So the street is closed but it is still suitable for bicycle traffic.  The message might be parallel to the treatment accorded to bicycling in general by the automobile culture.

While making that circle I noticed some unexpected traffic heading into the front entrance of the Fairgrounds.  There is no Fair but there are currently two events on the grounds.

You turn right just inside the gate (only if you have a ticket, there was a police car parked right there to keep bicyclists out) and proceed a couple of blocks to the Fine Arts Building.  The information so far available to me has not been clear on whether crop art is included this year but I doubt it.  Even the crop artists don't indulge themselves with the conceit that their art is "fine". 

I have been to the Fine Arts Building many times during the annual show and highly recommend it.  And I am glad that they have gone ahead with it even with the Fair cancelled.  But I lament a mindset that finds the Fine Art show necessary when the rest of the Fair is not.  Crop art is every bit as much art as anything in the Fine Arts Building on the 12 days of fun ending on Labor Day.

Here's where I took my sit down.

I sat on the grass and leaned my back up against that stone wall.

Here is today's rose, it is the placement at the local mall.

I expected to find it inside the mall in the main atrium.  Instead it is out on the sidewalk in front of the sea aquarium thing between Macy's and Penney's.  This one really lacks any effort at presentation.  The combination of colors lacks drama.


TOPWLH said...

Very entertaining post. Crop arts have gone virtual this year (I put the Star Trib article on the dining room table). Funny first paragraph, but I hope you do get the most miles of any month this September. Why not?

I don't mind the colors of this rose, but when magnifying it, the illustrations on it do not make sense and certainly are unrelated to its location. Not one of my favorites.

Retired Professor said...

Nice photos, the first one is especially interesting -- I've never seen that combination of signs. Your sit down spot is attractive, nice place to lean. I don't sit on the grass, never sure of being able to get back up by myself -- with any degree of grace, at least.

that rose could be attractive in a different setting, perhaps. The "girls in pretty dresses" theme is strange, though. Not my favorite, but still interesting.

Emily M said...

Crop art results are now online!


So glad they continued that this year.