It might have been too hot today but I got a morning text from our beloved dafter detailing a 22 mile bicycle ride. I did my part and boosted the family total to 40. When I started I thought it might be more than that but it was too hot.
I was riding down Larpenteur getting warmed up and idly planning my ride when I spotted this while passing the Larpenteur entrance.
I am well familiar with the usual annual routine of the closing of the Grounds just before the actual Fair kicks off but no Fair will be held in this year of COVID so this caught me a little by surprise. I decided to ride around to the front entrance on Snelling to see if I could learn a little more.
And I could.
I had, of course, heard about this food parade thing but I had not realized that they were going to close the Grounds.
I spotted these on the way home and was much reminded of flowers I have observed at about this time of year in other years when I was riding in Michigan.
The blossoms are very similar in appearance to cardinal flowers so they may be related but they seem very unlikely to be the actual flowers I have seen growing wild in the ditch somewhere on I believe 168th Street.
It's an interesting yard design concept, some red flowers planted next to but not completely surrounding a boulder and then encircled by a stick in the ground white wire fence.
Today's rose is another of the ones located at a hotel.
By my count, thirteen down, seven to go.
Pretty good family total of miles ridden considering the temperature and dew point today. I like the fair update and that's a nice rose.
Since I rode the same day, and blood is blood, 57 miles for the day. Good job wireless! And Gino. September often has my favorite temperatures for riding. I may Aim for the crooked letter yet.
Fair food as an event?
I swear I typed 55, not 57. Proofread, Santini.
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