It was hot but not oppressive today. The temperature topped out in the lower half of the 80s and while some humidity reappeared it was hot but not oppressive.
I tried a ride and frankly, it was hard, but that isn't the part of the day that led to that post title.
I felt strong enough to try for someplace new and so I ventured down into the big city just to our south. My turnaround point ended up being the Saint Clair Broiler.
Oops. That corner has changed quite a bit all of a sudden. But all the way to Saint Clair is a pretty significant ride to the south.
I took my sit down at the Bell Tower.
Donated by the classes of 1927 and 1928.
As usual, the campus is gorgeous this time of year but largely deserted. There were a couple of student age young men frisbeeing and a few others walking but largely deserted.
I didn't get to any lakes today but I did get to two college campuses. After riding through the second one I was starting to feel the heat and really I was just looking for the easiest way back across the railroad tracks and a short route home. I almost passed through the neighborhood without stopping to take a look.
But finally I realized my error. I really shouldn't get this close without taking a look so I detoured (only two blocks) to take a look at the tree we planted about 37 years ago.
It does look to me like Opal's curtains are still there but this is a landmark day for me, a clear message. Nothing lasts forever.
I was getting close to home when I spotted something you just don't see very often any more, especially not out on the boulevard.
I have said previously that several of these roses are at hotels. Here is one at a Hilton.
I wonder if those shrubs are meant to be the unhealthy looking shade of orange of the ones on the left or the more vibrant green of the couple just behind the potted plant-like object.
I am very sad to learn that the Emily tree is no more. The end of an era.
Good photos of the Emily tree in these posts...
It’s sad to lose trees, especially those you have named. Nothing lasts forever, indeed.
Impressive ride, I recognize the bell tower.
Nice rose.
Oh, no. The Emily tree was a neighborhood landmark! Marilyn will be upset. So, Opal's curtains outlasted Emily's tree. Such is life.
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