Monday, June 22, 2020

Fair food

New tires turned out to be a good thing.  It is always a bit of an adventure, new tires do not look like tires that have been on there a while.  But this set has now officially been broken in.

With the Fair not being held this year there is quite a bit of this going on.
Not quite as interesting as the corner of FF and U.

Those with a good sense of geography or a mapping app will know that getting to that spot for a photo means that the new distance achieved on the milestone ride is now the new standard distance.  It is too early to make a pronouncement but I have done that distance I think three times now and it no longer feels like a stretch.  So that's good.  On the way back I rode through a neighborhood where I used to go all the time but which I have not seen for at least a couple of years.  It looked pretty much the same as the last time I was there.

Food stand operators are trying to dull the sting of the loss of income that will come with the Fair not being held.  There is, among other things, a Facebook group where people can post the locations of Fair food.  I was briefly a member but it is too popular.  There are several postings every day and it was more information than was useful to me.  Apparently Facebook advertising isn't enough and this operator has resorted to old fashioned methods, putting up a sign.


Retired Professor said...

I'd eat an elephant ear if it was available.

TOPWLH said...

I would definitely eat a corn dog and maybe share some cheese curds. I don't know what an elephant ear is! Doesn't sound tasty.

Seems like you had a satisfying ride on a pretty nice day. Yay.

Emily M said...

I think an elephant ear is also called funnel cake, right?

I would definitely eat a corn dog and some cheese curds. And I am still a member of the Facebook group - I'll pass along anything unmissable. There is a rumor the pork chop on a stick people may be making an appearance soon. :)

Retired Professor said...

Emily, Elephant ears and funnel cakes are somewhat similar, but not the same. A funnel cake is batter drizzled into hot oil, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. An elephant ear is a piece of dough pounded flat then fried in oil and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Both are deep fried and tasty.