Friday, June 5, 2020


I was taking a little sit down in a nice shady spot near the back entrance to a local strip mall.  See, nice shady spot.
Nice bike?

Anyway, I experienced a consequence of the undeniable fact that I am easily identified on sight as being at least somewhat past my best if used by date.

I was just sitting there admiring my bike when the nice lady from the house across the street frame right of the photo came to the edge of her yard and having successfully attracted my attention inquired if I was overheated.

I thanked her for her concern but said, no, I am fine, just taking a little sit down.


It was 80, not that hot, but windy, but not that windy.  Overall, a fine day for a ride.

I was riding down the next street over when I discovered this.
We have had some recent thunder but I don't think we have had anything that even vaguely qualifies as severe weather.  Still a large part of that tree has given up and slumped to the ground.  Someone should inquire if it is overheated.

Discerning viewers may note that that's Al's house.  You can tell because the driveway goes around to a garage in the back of the house, a very unusual design for the suburbs.  That's the way Al wanted it.  They don't live there anymore but probably they planted the tree too.


Retired Professor said...

Nice bike.

She meant well, there’s no diplomatic way to phrase her question, I guess.

Retired Professor said...

One water bottle rides here, too.