Thursday, May 28, 2020

Feels like summer

The calendar has reached a point.  The temperatures are starting to agree and at last a tiny hint of humidity.  It feels like summer.  Very early summer, but definitely summer.

Today started out heavily overcast but we cleared out northwest to southeast and had a beautiful afternoon.  My bicycle took me north into the heart of our city.

There was an article in the daily newspaper recently about what a good year it has been so far for bike shops.  The article quoted some manager about having to work late after shop closing to assemble 30 or 40 new bikes and then having them all sell the next day.  None of them were sold by my LBS of choice.
Lots of small businesses are not going to survive the pandemic related business slump but this one was already closed before the first person got sick.  I had not been over there since they closed so I was curious about what it looked like.

Kitty corner is a business that is pandemic related closed.
The on site pizza joint is open for delivery and take out.

I did not even have to ask.  There is no poker game there this Saturday night.


TOPWLH said...

Both pictures make me sad but for different reasons as you mentioned. I miss County Cycle stops on our bikes and I miss playing poker.

Retired Professor said...

Biking on an early summer day. Nice. Probably not a good time to buy a bike, supplies are low I hear. If Tom can buy a motorcycle, though.... maybe I can look at something in titanium.....