Friday, July 7, 2017

Tear down

We watched today's near dead heat from Nuits-Saint-Georges.  The cycling press is reporting the margin of victory as 6 millimeters.  That's six tenths of a centimeter, a bit under a quarter of an inch.  I dunno, it looked closer than that to me.

The really oppressive dangerous heat has passed, at least for now.  It was an excellent day to be out on a bicycle.

You don't see much of this in our neighborhood, but as recently as last month there was a house on that lot.
It was a nice day for a ride but nothing appealed to my eye for a photo.  Not to worry, I do have some bicycle content anyway.

First, on the way home Wednesday I passed through the intersection of Raymond and Como.  That is news because it is now possible to pass through there.  Construction is not yet complete but the road is open.  A route to the big city to our south has been opened.

And then there is this.  I purchased new heel pads for my fancy Italian cycling shoes.  Who would have expected that shoes have parts.
I almost always put my right foot down when I stop and that red bit was worn down to the point that the integrity of the screw holding the pad in place was in doubt.

While I was at it I adjusted the cleat on my left shoe.  Who knows how these things happen but over time the cleat on the right shoe had moved to the furthest inboard setting while the left shoe cleat had moved to the furthest outboard.  This meant that I had a slightly different position for each foot.  I thought the left one was a bit off the center of the pedal.  I moved that one back to what I hope is more or less the position of the cleat on the other pedal.  Presence or absence of knee pain will inform me of the relative success of this adjustment.

That's not much bicycle content, but it is something.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

You did not mention that we had a lovely bike ride to the Northwestern Christian College (which is described as such some places but on their web page it is a university). Here is the link, but the grounds are MUCH more beautiful than it appears on their official site:

Anyway, I enjoyed the ride on this gorgeous day and the bicycle content.