Friday, May 12, 2017

Mileage increase

I took an on line course today called "Legal Malpractice:  What is it and How is it Proved."  As a result I got started just a bit later than ideal but on the plus side TOPWLH was available for a photo opportunity.

That's my newest jersey, from not this past Christmas but the one before, a TwinSix orange full zip, perfect for today's conditions.  For some reason I have gone back to the oldest gloves I own, the original yellow Specialized.  That probably won't last, I think I just haven't yet located the gloves that I was wearing most of the time last season.

Right around the corner I came to something that at least I never expect to see parked on a residential street in an inner ring suburb.  It's a plow.
Admittedly at only two bottoms (displaying farmer knowledge) but even two bottoms is overkill for the suburbs where the plot size to be cultivated is such that a roto-tiller is the only reasonable choice.  With a two bottom plow and an appropriately powered tractor a person can turn over at least several acres in a work day.

Here's something new.  The last time I rode past this spot last fall that was a school bus garage (near Snelling and Como).
The school bus garage appears to have succumbed to modern economics.  It looks like that property is being prepared to generate a considerably greater return as something other than overnight parking.  I am guessing something pretty large, possibly not high but at the very least quite spread out, there's a lot of room there, at least a few acres.

It isn't much right now but kitty corner from the State Fairgrounds, whatever this ends up as is certain to become familiar to many Minnesotans.

Cycling past Lake Como on the way home.
The high school varsity girls' softball team has its home field on the other side of the school property next to our house.  They had a game today.  On game day we sometimes get people parking in the cul-de-sac on this side of the property.  Tomorrow is the State's walleye fishing opener.  At least one attendee of the softball game is planning on a quick breakaway to try to reach his (or her) fishing spot as soon as possible after the game is over.
First time I can remember a full on fishing rig parked in front of the big new tree.

So I increased the mileage today and while I was riding again it was just fine.  I can probably increase the mileage again soon.  Except that while I was fine while I was riding shortly after the ride I was pretty much totally done.  I was ready for bed well before dark.




TOPWLH said...

Great post and so fun to see you riding by at Lake Como. Yesterday was a lovely day to be outside.

I also have never seen a full on fishing rig parked in front of the most excellent BNT.

Santini said...

Nice bike. I like the green colorway on your tires.