Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas bush

O Christmas bush, O Christmas bush
How lovely are . . .

Or something like that.

We had a swell holiday.  Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped us get into the spirit of the season.
Those early preparations of the bush paid off when a couple of our favorites showed up in matching outfits.
Merry Christmas to all.

Monday, December 12, 2016


It didn't look like much and I knew from having been out in it during the early stages that the snow was very low moisture light in weight.  I am not the enthusiastic shoveler that I once was but I thought I could at least go out and start and see if shoveling was an option.

I ended up shoveling.  It took three shifts, but I ended up shoveling.
Today I heard that it might have been as much as the 8 inches measured in some places.  I think looking at it that it is more like 5 or 6 here.  Either way, that's more snow than I should shovel.

I vow more respect for the snow in the future.

As I was shoveling I experienced the sudden demise of some long time partners.   This pair of mittens has been my "work" mittens for a long time, I think at least 20 years.
You can tell I have used those for a long time just by noting the evidence on the surface of the leather of "wiping".

When that seam let go the sudden rush of cold air let me know immediately.

It's OK, I have two more pair in the closet.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Judas Priest 1983

OK, what the heck, BEDFAMM is over.  As has come to be my usual procedure, all month along the way I was setting aside some things that I found interesting, saving them as draft posts in case there was a day when I had absolutely no material and had to post SOMETHING.  In the end I didn't end up using this but it is some of my favorite ever not used material.

The link in the post Turkey Shovel from last month is to a performance by Judas Priest after they got old.

Judas Priest is heavy metal, and heavy metal is better when it is tight pants long hair head banging music.  Here is how they did it when they were young tight pants long hair head banging musicians.

Also nice. Can you believe it? Same song.

I might go so far as to say that I approve this message.