Friday, July 29, 2016

Everything worked today

Including the weather, about 72 when we headed out and a moderate NE wind.  NE wind works perfect for a ride to Vadnais as the return is tailwind in both directions.

If you are strong enough to get there there shouldn't be any problem at all in getting home.

We took the traditional path out there, GRider's first time on that route.  That means she got to ride down the steep hill from Victoria to Snail Lake for the first time.  We watched a lot of le Tour de France this month and there were numerous stages when speeds of 30, even 40 miles per hour were reported.

On that steep downhill she admits that she applied the brakes, feeling that the speeds we were attaining were just not safe.

I stayed off the brakes and attained a reported by my cyclocomputer top speed of 29.9 mph.  Not even fast by the standards of the greatest bicycle race in the world.

We paused for a photo opp on the road into the Sucker Lake portion of the park out there.  Again, middle of the city, no sign whatsoever of civilization.
With the notable exception of a paved road.

We got home without any tire drama this time.  We paused for an end of July corn report.
Very nice day, very nice ride.


Santini said...

It sounds like near perfect conditions for that ride.

The red jersey helps distinguish the bicyclist from the corn.

I'm a big fan of tailwinds.

TOPWLH said...

It was a perfect day and a wonderful bike ride.

Excellent photos.